PUNS strives to be a Safe Place for Children with Severe Food Allergies.

  • At PUNS, we have stringent protocols in place to prevent allergens like peanuts, tree nuts and dairy items from entering our school.

  • At PUNS we adhere to a strict PUNS Friendly Foods which is provided to all families.

  • This list has been developed over time by PUNS parents of children with severe allergies.


We know the anxiety many families feel when they are confronted with the serious risk of food allergies, and at PUNS, we want to do all we can to lessen the worry and bring on the fun!


"PUNS has been a wonderful first school experience for our daughter. The teachers provide a warm, nurturing environment for children to grow. As the parent of a child with life-threatening food allergies, finding a school with a strong allergy protocol was very important to our family. PUNS takes this issue seriously, has top-notch procedures in place, and made us feel comfortable from the beginning. We can't recommend PUNS highly enough!" -Liz Handley

"The caring and supportive environment at PUNS is exactly what we were looking for in a preschool. Just as importantly, it’s a safe place for our son, who has life-threatening food allergies. We knew we were at a school that really understood food allergies when, before the school year started, we were given a list of exactly what snacks may be served, right down to allowed brands and flavors, and were proactively asked for feedback regarding any food on the list that should be avoided for our son. It’s such a relief to know our son can safely enjoy snack time with his friends, and just have fun!" -Kara Leonard